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air current 氣流。

This webpage provides two weather indices , namely the “ thermal index “ and the “ soaring index “ , to let the glider pilots estimate whether there is adequate lift due to upward air currents for soaring activities 該網頁提供了兩個天氣指數:熱成指數和滑翔指數,以協助滑翔飛行員評估是否有足夠的上升氣流進行滑翔飛行活動。

air cushion

Pmv and the indoor temperature field can be used to evaluate the effect of heating in a large amount air current condition . the result of analysis indicate that the radiation heating and radiator heating have some advantages in such rooms , and hot - air heating is an unsuitable way for room heating 分析結果后認為, pmv和室內溫度分布是評價大換氣量房間不同供暖方式室內熱環境的重要參數,在這類房間中,輻射供暖和散熱器供暖將各有優點,而熱風供暖則是一種不宜采用的供暖方式。

After the ventilator is started , the dust catcher is under negative state and will absorb air with dust in the ductwork to the case on the dust catcher , then the air current will enter into the upper side of filter bag flowing from upper side to lower part ; most of the dust will come out from the filter bag under function of gravity and inertia and then fall into the lower case ( ash hopper ) , then the clean air will enter into the air via ventilator 當通風機啟動后,除塵器便處于負壓狀態,并將余風管中的含塵空氣吸入到除塵器上箱體內,然后氣流進入濾袋上口自上而下流動,多數粉塵顆粒在重力和慣性力的作用下穿出濾袋下口,沉降至下箱體內(灰斗) ,被濾的凈化氣體經通風機排入大氣中。

Regional photochemical reaction is weak over this area , to a great extent , the atmospheric background condition influences to the variation of surface o3 , tthe variation of vertical wind speed is significant to surface o3 , from seasonal distribution of vertical wind , it appears upward air current in winter , spring and autumn , repectively , while it is mainly downward in summer , it is favorable to the o3 transport from stratosphere layer . at walilguan , the variation of humidity impacts a little on surface o3 , the relationship between surface o3 and wind speed is relatively complicated , by correlation statistic analyze , it is sure that the wind speed is not one of the important factor ( 2 )瓦里關地區局地光化學反應較弱,地面o _ 3在很大程度上受大氣背景狀況的影響; ( 3 )垂直風變化對地面o3日變化影響較大,從垂直風季節分布看,春、秋、冬三個季節為上升氣流,而夏季下沉氣流則很旺盛,這種分布有利于平流層o _ 3向下的輸送; ( 5 )濕度對地面o _ 3貢獻并不明顯; ( 6 )各季節水平風速與地面o _ 3之間的關系較為復雜,不同季節相關分析表明,水平風速并不是影響地面o _ 3變化的主要因子之一。

Kzl series air clean filter to enter empty to is it stand to press since , the compressor and air conditioner imprison the wind system , blast furnace air - introduced machine of steel plant , gas turbine , air making oxygen raw materials air compressor filter , strain and contain a large number of dust except that among them , prevent from in dust particle long - time adjustment air current sports , to operated equipment above blade , impeller , flow dish and part lead to the fact the harm Kzl系列空氣自潔過濾裝置kzl系列空氣自潔過濾裝置是對進入空壓站壓縮機及空調關風系統,鋼鐵廠高爐引風機燃氣輪機制氧原料空壓機的空氣進行過濾,濾除其中含有大量塵埃,避免灰塵粒子在長時間的調整氣流運動中,對以上運行設備的葉片葉輪流道及部件將造成損害。

Jinzhong spring scenery machine manufacture the limited company subordinates yuci si purui the textile machinery distribution depot is by produces the air current spinning machine fitting primarily privately operated enterprise , since the factory beginning has constructed in 1986 , the foundation our factory persisted the science and technology is popular the factory , take the market as the instruction , at the same time and the people from all walks of life absolute sincerity cooperation , the production scale expands unceasingly 晉中春光機械制造有限公司下屬的榆次斯普瑞紡織機械配件廠是以生產氣流紡紗機配件為主的民營企業,工廠始建于1986年,創建以來工廠堅持科技興廠,以市場為指導,同時與各界人士精誠合作,生產規模不斷擴大。

Analyze 1000hpa stream field evolvement chart , a southwest - northeast combine strap was forming in liaoning province by southwest air current and northwest air current . level combine induce the combine strap cyclone bend , whorl degree intension increase . boundary layer friction combine bring to ascend and come into being small measure cumulus convection pyrogenation 高低空急流的耦合是此次強對流爆發的重要觸發機制,高低空急流在耦合的過程中, 300hpa高空急流強度超過50m s , 850hpa低空急流強度超過20m s ,而且低空急流與高空急流剛好在高空急流出口區的位置上相交,對強對流爆發有利。

Jm6tq is developed in foundation of jm6t , its adopted the advanced radial technology , the motion path of riveting - head resembles 11 pieces plum blossom s shapes . the ascend and descend of power head by screw pole and it can control the rough adjust effectively , and micro - adjust by screw cap of power head , the center hole of bench are coaxial with the spindle , and it put the holder available , and added the aerosol lubricate system in the air current it has the function of filter Jm6tq氣動是在jm6t基礎上發展而來的氣動z中小型徑向臺式鉚接機,除應用有國際先進的11瓣梅花徑向鉚接技術外,該機應用有國際先進的徑向鉚接技術外,同時采用絲桿升降式工作頭,臺面具有夾具梯形槽,工作臺中心孔徑與主軸軸線同軸,可用于夾具定位。

The ascend and descend of power head by screw pole and it can control the rough adjust effectively , and micro - adjust by screw cap of power head , the center hole of bench are coaxial with the spindle , and it put the holder available , and added the aerosol lubricate system in the air current it has the function of filter Bm6t氣動是在bm6t基礎上發展而來的氣動中小型徑向臺式鉚接機,除應用有獨立知識產權的擺輾鉚接技術外,該機加大了工作臺面,并具有夾具梯形槽,工作臺中心孔徑與主軸軸線同軸,可用于夾具定位。

Jinzhong spring scenery machine manufacture the limited company subordinates yuci si purui the textile machinery distribution depot is by produces the air current spinning machine fitting primarily privately operated enterprise , since the factory beginning has constructed in 1986 , the foundation our factory persisted the science and technology is popular the factory , take the market as the instruction , at the same time and the people from all walks of life absolute sincerity cooperation , the production scale expands unceasingly 晉中春光機械制造有限公司下屬的斯普瑞紡機是以生產氣流紡紗機及其配件為主的制造型企業,創建以來公司堅持科技興廠,以市場為指導,同時與各界人士精誠合作,生產規模不斷擴大。

The third part is the analysis to uprightness instability condition . it is made that there was the ascending air current about shenyang , the hailstone forming height is between 700hpa and 400hpa , die water vapor coagulating height is between 950hpa and 900hpa from the simulated tlogp evolvement chart . cape is in favor of severe convection development 干濕空氣間強的風垂直切變是此次冰雹強對流爆發的又一個重要觸發機制,強冷空氣到達地面強迫暖濕空氣抬升,致使對流層中低層出現強風垂直切變,強風垂直切變對強對流的發生和發展起到了非常重要的作用。

It has not only better physics machine function , but also better bio - compatibility , bone - combined character than bio - metal and alloys , bio - ceramics and bio - macromolecule etc . making use of the water heat synthesization method , air current comminution method and classification filtration composite technique has preparated even crystal of ha , average particle size is 280nm 本文研制了無機纖維增強pmma ha人工顱骨復合材料,該復合材料與金屬材料、陶瓷材料和高分子材料相比,不僅具有良好的物理機械性能,而且具有良好的生物相容性和骨結合特性。利用水熱合成法、氣流粉碎法和分級篩分等多種技術制備了粒徑均一的ha晶體,平均粒徑為280nm 。

The ascend and descend of work bench by screw pole and it can control the rough adjust effectively , and micro - adjust by screw cap of power head , the center hole of bench are coaxial with the spindle , and it put the holder available , and added the aerosol lubricate system in the air current it has the function of filter 該機應用有國際先進的徑向鉚接技術外,同時采用絲桿升降式工作臺機頭部分固定,臺面具有夾具梯形槽,工作臺中心孔徑與主軸軸線同軸,可用于夾具定位。電控部分加裝數顯時間繼電器,數顯計數器,方便操控。

Our factory by produces the air current spinning machine fitting product ( reeling thread , transfers cup , divides combs roller , pressure roller and so on ) primarily , while expands , the enhancementproduction scale , efficiency unceasingly , strives for the survival by the quality , does not hesitate the great riches to increase or to renew the equipment , purchases the domestic and foreign advanced precise numerical controls lathe , the processing center , the high accuracy grinder successively and so on hundred , causes the product quality and the processing craft has the good stability and thereliability 氣流紡紗機配件產品主要以紡紗器、轉杯、分梳輥、壓輪等為主,在不斷擴大、提高生產規模、效率的同時,以質量求生存,不惜重資增加或更新設備,先后購進國內外先進的精密數控車床、加工中心、高精度磨床等百余臺,使產品質量和加工工藝具有良好的穩定性和可靠性。

It has the advanced radial technology and the movement path likes 11 pieces plum blossoms shape , this machine uses a head screw pole to go up and down to control the power head , it has the enlarged bench , and air current double - direction adjusting valve to controlled the riveting speed effectively . the electricity system added the counter to count the work piece which was be processed , he time relay control the riveting times Jm3tq - d是汽動類小型徑向鉚接機,與jm3tq - b和jm3tq - c相比,提高最大工作行程到40mm ,除應用有國際先進的11瓣梅花徑向鉚接技術外,該機采用頭部絲桿升降粗調,加大了工作臺面,氣路加裝雙向調節閥,有效控制鉚接速度。

Sensors are used to detect the content of water and the temperature of grains , to measure the velocity of influx and to position the grains in the drying machines respectively . thermal sensors are thermocouples to monitor the temperature of heated air current and thermo resistances to measure the temperature of grains on different surfaces ; water sensors include neutron probes and condensates to measure the content of water of grains before and after drying respectively ; the velocity of flow of grains is measured by the indicators of flow 溫度傳感器主要采用熱電偶和熱電阻,分別探測熱風溫度和干燥機各個層面上的糧食溫度;水分傳感器主要采用中子式在線水分測量儀和電容式在線水分測量儀,中子式在線水分測量儀由于不受谷物解凍的影響,用來測量烘前谷物的水分,電容式在線水分測量儀用來測定烘后的糧食水分;在線流量計采用沖板式流量計,用來記錄排糧流量,統計產量。

Our factory by produces the air current spinning machine fitting product ( reeling thread , transfers cup , divides combs roller , pressure roller and so on ) primarily , while expands , the enhancementproduction scale , efficiency unceasingly , strives for the survival by the quality , does not hesitate the great riches to increase or to renew the equipment , purchases the domestic and foreign advanced precise numerical controls lathe , the processing center , the high accuracy grinder successively and so on hundred , causes the product quality and the processing craft has the good stability and thereliability 工廠以生產氣流紡紗機配件產品(紡紗器、轉杯、分梳輥、壓輪等)為主,在不斷擴大、提高生產規模、效率的同時,以質量求生存,不惜重資增加或更新設備,先后購進國內外先進的精密數控車床、加工中心、高精度磨床等百余臺,使產品質量和加工工藝具有良好的穩定性和可靠性。

But owing to the constant presence of air currents , arranging both the dust and vapour in strata of varying extent and density , and of high or low clouds which both absorb and reflect the light in varying degrees , we see produced all those wondrous combinations of tints and those gorgeous ever - changing colours which are a constant source of admiration and delight to all who have the advantage of an uninterrupted view to the west and who are accustomed to watch for those not infrequent exhibitions of nature ' s kaleidoscopic colour painting 不過,由于不斷出現氣流,把法埃與水汽分層排列,廣度不均,密度各異,加上高低空常有云層,不同程度地吸收并反射陽光,我們這才看到各種奇異的色調斑剝陸離,諸多絢麗的色彩變化萬千;任何人只要有幸將西方的景致一覽無余,只要有心觀看大自然不時展現的那一幅幅瞬息萬變的彩畫,都會為之贊不絕口,喜不自勝。

When air exchange rate is high , the vertical variations of temperatures in the zone of occupant action are similar by the three methods . thus , the vertical indoor air temperature distribution in the high air exchange room is not mainly determined by heating method , but the way of air current 此外,三種供暖方式的室內空氣溫度垂直分布規律與封閉房間內的情況差別較大,房間通風量較大時,人體活動區域內沿高度方向三種采暖方式產生的空氣溫度變化基本相同。